Charging Time for AXS Battery: Quick Guide and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links

Welcome to our quick guide on charging time for AXS battery! If you own SRAM AXS components like eTap derailleurs, Reverb seatposts, or Flight Attendant suspension, you’ll need to know how long it takes to charge your AXS battery. In this article, we’ll provide you with all the essential information to keep your AXS battery powered up and ready for your next ride.

The SRAM AXS battery is designed for versatility, as it can be used across various AXS components. Whether you’re using it for front and rear eTap derailleurs, Eagle AXS derailleurs, Reverb seatposts, or Flight Attendant suspension, the AXS battery has got you covered. With a battery life that can last for hours of ride time, it’s essential to know how long it takes to charge when it eventually runs out.

When it comes to charging your AXS battery, we recommend using the SRAM battery charger that comes with a USB cable. It takes about an hour or even less to fully charge the battery, ensuring you spend more time riding and less time waiting. Additionally, SRAM offers the new Four Battery Charger, which allows you to charge multiple batteries simultaneously and features a fast charging option for quick top-ups.

It’s important to note that generic batteries and chargers are not recommended for use with your AXS components. They may not meet SRAM’s high-performance standards and could potentially void your warranty. To ensure safety, reliability, and warranty protection, always stick with genuine SRAM brand batteries and chargers.

Key Takeaways:

  • The SRAM AXS battery can be fully recharged in an hour or less.
  • Carry a spare battery for emergencies or longer rides.
  • Use the SRAM battery charger for optimal charging performance.
  • Check battery status through the components or AXS app.
  • Stick with genuine SRAM brand batteries and chargers for safety and warranty protection.
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Best Practices for Charging AXS Battery

When it comes to charging your AXS battery, following the best practices ensures optimal performance and longevity. Here are some essential tips:

  1. Always use the battery terminal covers and battery blocks when removing the battery for storage, cleaning, or travel. This protects the battery contacts and prevents accidental damage.
  2. Avoid using aggressive washing techniques and harsh cleaners that can potentially harm the electronic components and batteries. Instead, use gentle cleaning methods to maintain their integrity.
  3. Remove the batteries during travel to prevent unnecessary battery depletion, especially for longer trips. This helps to ensure that your AXS system is ready to perform when you need it the most.
  4. Keep lithium batteries in your carry-on baggage during air travel for safety reasons. It is always a good practice to adhere to airline regulations for batteries to prevent any issues during your journey.
  5. Consider carrying a spare battery for longer rides or in case of emergencies. Having a backup battery ensures uninterrupted rides, allowing you to fully enjoy your cycling experience.
  6. Stick with genuine SRAM brand batteries and chargers to ensure safety, reliability, and warranty protection. Generic batteries and chargers may not meet SRAM’s performance standards and could potentially void your warranty.

By following these best practices, you can maximize the charging efficiency of your AXS battery and enjoy seamless rides with confidence.

Best Practices for Charging AXS Battery
Always use the battery terminal covers and battery blocks
Avoid using aggressive washing techniques and harsh cleaners
Remove the batteries during travel
Keep lithium batteries in your carry-on baggage during air travel
Consider carrying a spare battery
Stick with genuine SRAM brand batteries and chargers

Tips for Maintaining AXS Battery Efficiency

Maintaining the efficiency of your SRAM AXS battery is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. By following these tips, you can ensure that your battery lasts longer and performs at its best.

To start, keep your batteries clean and protected when not in use. Always use the battery terminal covers and battery blocks to prevent any damage or dirt from affecting the battery’s performance.

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Regularly checking the battery charge levels is also essential. You can use the AXS app or the LED indicators on the components to monitor the battery’s charge. This will help you avoid any unexpected power shortages during your rides.

When it comes time to replace the batteries in your shifters and power meters, make sure to use appropriate replacement batteries without a child-safe coating ring. This will ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

Proper installation of the batteries is another key factor in maintaining efficiency. Double-check that the batteries are correctly installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any issues or performance gaps.

Finally, it’s worth noting that the AXS system is designed to withstand any weather conditions. The SRAM AXS components are completely waterproof, allowing you to ride confidently in rain or shine without worrying about battery performance.

For comprehensive maintenance and any concerns, it’s always recommended to follow SRAM’s guidelines and consult with an authorized service center. Their expertise will help you address any issues and ensure that your AXS battery operates efficiently for a long time to come.


How long does it take to charge the AXS battery?

The SRAM AXS battery is fully rechargeable in an hour or less.

What components can the AXS battery be used for?

The same battery can be used for front and rear eTap AXS derailleurs, Eagle AXS derailleurs, Reverb AXS seatposts, and Flight Attendant suspension.

How long does the AXS battery last?

The AXS batteries can last for hours of ride time depending on the component. It is recommended to carry a spare battery for emergencies.

Can I use generic batteries and chargers for my AXS battery?

No, generic batteries and chargers are not recommended as they do not meet SRAM’s performance standards and may void the warranty.

How long does it take to fully charge the AXS battery with the SRAM charger?

The SRAM battery charger comes with a USB cable and takes about an hour to fully charge the battery.

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Can I charge multiple AXS batteries at once?

Yes, the new Four Battery Charger allows for charging multiple batteries at once, and it has a fast charging feature for quick top-ups.

How can I check the battery status of my AXS components?

The battery status can be checked with the push of a button on the component or through the AXS app.

Do all AXS components use the same type of battery?

No, the batteries in shifters and power meters have different battery types and lifespans.

How should I store and protect the AXS battery when not in use?

Always use the battery terminal covers and battery blocks when removing the battery for storage, cleaning, or travel. Keep the batteries clean and protected.

Can I remove the battery during travel?

Yes, it is recommended to remove the batteries during travel, especially for longer trips, to prevent battery depletion.

Can I bring the AXS battery on an airplane?

Yes, lithium batteries should be kept in carry-on baggage during air travel for safety reasons.

Should I carry a spare battery for longer rides?

Yes, it is advisable to consider carrying a spare battery for longer rides or in case of emergencies.

Can I use third-party batteries and chargers with AXS components?

No, it is recommended to stick with genuine SRAM brand batteries and chargers to ensure safety, reliability, and warranty protection.

How often should I check the battery charge levels?

Regularly check the battery charge levels using the AXS app or the LED indicators on the components.

How can I replace the batteries in shifters and power meters?

Replace the batteries as needed, using appropriate replacement batteries without a child-safe coating ring.

Are AXS components waterproof?

Yes, the AXS system is completely waterproof and designed to withstand any terrain and weather conditions.

How can I ensure the best performance and longevity of my AXS battery?

For optimal performance and longevity, follow SRAM’s recommended maintenance guidelines and consult with an authorized service center for any issues or concerns.

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